Source code for argdeco.command_decorator

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from textwrap import dedent
from .arguments import arg
import os

import logging, sys, argparse

logger = logging.getLogger('argdeco.command_decorator')
logger.debug("module name: %s", __name__)
except NameError:
    basestring = str

class Undefined:

[docs]class NoAction(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class CommandDecorator: """ Create a decorator to decorate functions with their arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize CommandDecorator with global arguments >>> from argdeco import arg, CommandDecorator >>> command = CommandDecorator( ... ... ) # Arguments description: Description in argument, also causes that command's function __doc__ documentation will be also passed as description to add_argument() by default. If not specified, the calling modules __doc__ will be used as epilogue (and all other commands __doc__ will be passed as epilogue). formatter_class: Default formatter class is argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter. You can override this with passing another formatter_class. preprocessor: Instead of passing a compile paramter to execute later, you can also pass a preprocessor function here. Preprocessor function is getting args object as positional argument and expanded arguments as kwargs. It may return # a tuple of (args, kwargs) to be passed to command function # a dict, to be passed as kwargs to command function # a tuple or list (with not per accident having exact two items beeing a tuple and kwargs) passed as positional args to command function argparser: (internal) You may pass an existing argparser instance. commands: (internal) An object returned from argparser.add_subparsers() method. compiler_factory: Passing a compiler_factory is another way of providing a argument compiler. `compiler_factory` is expected to be a function getting one parameter -- the args as returned from `argparser.parseargs()``. It is espected to return a dictionary like object. For each given argument the name of the argument is computed and the corresponding configuration item is set. Example: >>> command = CommandDecorator(compiler_factory=lambda x: {}) >>> @command('foo', arg('--bar')) >>> def cmd(cfg): ... assert cfg[''] == '1' >>> command.execute(['foo', '--bar', '1']) default_action: Function to be called with the NameSpace object returned by parse_args(), if there could no action be identified. Usually if you call a multi-command program without any arguments. If not present, the usage will be printed and 2 returned. """ self.formatter_class = kwargs.get('formatter_class', argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) if 'description' in kwargs: self.doc = 'description' else: self.doc = 'epilog' if 'description' not in kwargs and 'epilog' not in kwargs: description = sys._getframe().f_back.f_globals.get('__doc__') logger.debug("frame name: %s", sys._getframe().f_back.f_globals.get('__name__')) logger.debug("description: %s", description) kwargs[self.doc] = description if kwargs[self.doc] is not None: kwargs[self.doc] = dedent(kwargs[self.doc]) if 'formatter_class' not in kwargs: kwargs['formatter_class'] = self.formatter_class if 'preprocessor' in kwargs: self.preprocessor = kwargs.pop('preprocessor') else: self.preprocessor = None # use epilog or description #moddoc = sys._getframe().f_back.f_globals.get('__doc__') #epilog = for k in ('commands', 'parent', 'name', 'compiler_factory', 'default_action'): setattr(self, k, kwargs.pop(k, None)) self.config_map = {} self.compile = None if 'argparser' in kwargs: self.argparser = kwargs.pop('argparser') else: self.argparser = ArgumentParser(**kwargs) for a in args: if isinstance(a, arg): a.apply(self.argparser, self, self.get_name()) self.children = [] def has_action(self): if self.commands is not None: return len(self.commands._name_parser_map) > 0 else: return False def add_parser(self, command, *args, **kwargs): if self.commands is None: self.commands = self.argparser.add_subparsers() parser_action = self.commands.add_parser(command, *args, **kwargs) #parser_action.set_default(action=lambda *a, **k: self.argparser.print_help(None)) return parser_action def __getitem__(self, name): if self.commands is None: raise KeyError(name) cmd = self items = name.split('.') path, name = items[:-1], items[-1] for k in path: _map = dict((, c) for c in cmd.children) if k not in _map: raise KeyError(name) cmd = _map[k] return cmd.commands._name_parser_map[name] def get_action(self, name): return self[name].get_default('action')
[docs] def add_subcommands(self, command, *args, **kwargs): """add subcommands. If command already defined, pass args and kwargs to add_subparsers() method, else to add_parser() method. This behaviour is for convenience, because I mostly use the sequence: >>> p = parser.add_parser('foo', help="some help") >>> subparser = p.add_subparsers() If you want to configure your sub_parsers, you can do it with: >>> command.add_subcommands('cmd', help = "cmd help" subcommands = dict( title = "title" description = "subcommands description" ) ) """ subcommands = kwargs.pop('subcommands', None) if subcommands is not None and 'description' in subcommands: subcommands['description'] = dedent(subcommands['description']) if 'description' in kwargs: kwargs['description'] = dedent(kwargs['description']) if 'epilog' in kwargs: kwargs['epilog'] = dedent(kwargs['epilog']) try: cmd = self[command] except KeyError: if 'formatter_class' not in kwargs: kwargs['formatter_class'] = self.formatter_class cmd = self.add_parser(command, *args, **kwargs) args, kwargs = tuple(), dict() if subcommands is not None: kwargs = subcommands child = CommandDecorator( argparser = self.argparser, commands = cmd.add_subparsers(*args, **kwargs), parent = self, name = command, ) cmd.set_defaults(action=lambda *a, **k: cmd.print_help(None)) self.children.append(child) return child
[docs] def update(self, command=None, **kwargs): """update data, which is usually passed in ArgumentParser initialization e.g. command.update(prog="foo") """ if command is None: argparser = self.argparser else: argparser = self[command] for k,v in kwargs.items(): setattr(argparser, k, v)
def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug("add_argument: %s, %s", args, kwargs) if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], arg): self.add_arguments(*args) else: self.argparser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) # def register_config_map(self, dest): def register_config_map(self, context, dest, config_name): logger.debug("register_config_map: context=%s, dest=%s, config_name=%s", context, dest, config_name) _root = self while _root.parent is not None: _root = _root.parent if context not in _root.config_map: _root.config_map[context] = {} _root.config_map[context][dest] = config_name # map_name = self.get_name() # logger.debug("map_name=%s", map_name) # if hasattr(a, 'config_name'): # config_name = a.config_name # else: # config_name = '.'.join([map_name, a.dest]) # # if map_name not in self.config_map: # self.config_map[map_name] = {} def add_arguments(self, *args, **kwargs): context = kwargs.get('context') argparser = kwargs.get('argparser') if context is None: context = self.get_name() if argparser is None: argparser = self.argparser for a in args: if isinstance(a, basestring): a = arg(a) elif isinstance(a, dict): a = arg(**a) elif isinstance(a, (tuple,list)): a = arg(*a) elif not isinstance(a, arg): raise ValueError("cannot convert %s into arg type" % a) a.apply(argparser, self, context=context)
[docs] def get_config_name(self, action, name=None): '''get the name for configuration This returns a name respecting commands and subcommands. So if you have a command name "index" with subcommand "ls", which has option "--all", you will pass the action for subcommand "ls" and the options's dest name ("all" in this case), then this function will return "" as configuration name for this option. ''' _name = None if name is None: if '.' in action: action, name = action.rsplit('.', 1) else: _name = '' name = action if _name is None: if isinstance(action, basestring): action = self.get_action(action) _name = action.argdeco_name logger.debug("_name=%s", _name) config_name = Undefined while True: logger.debug("check _name=%s, name=%s", repr(_name), repr(name)) if _name in self.config_map: if name in self.config_map[_name]: config_name = self.config_map[_name][name] if config_name is not None: if config_name.startswith('.'): config_name = _name + config_name break if _name == '': break if '.' not in _name: _name = '' continue _name = _name.rsplit('.', 1)[0] assert config_name is not Undefined, "could not determine config name for %s" % name # if config_name.startswith('.'): # config_name = config_name[1:] return config_name
[docs] def add_command(self, command, *args, **kwargs): """add a command. This is basically a wrapper for add_parser() """ cmd = self.add_parser(command, *args, **kwargs)
def get_name(self, name=None): if name is not None: path = [name] else: path = [] cmd = self while cmd: if path.append( cmd = cmd.parent return '.'.join(reversed(path)) def __call__(self, *args, **opts): def factory(func): _args = args help = None desc = None if func.__doc__ is not None: _doc = func.__doc__ if 'help' not in opts: try: help, desc = _doc.split("\n\n", 1) help = help.strip() except: help = _doc.strip() desc = '' else: desc = _doc if 'preprocessor' in opts: func._argdeco_preprocessor = opts.pop('preprocessor') if 'compile' in opts: func._argdeco_compile = opts.pop('compile') if 'compiler_factory' in opts: func._argdeco_compiler_factory = opts.pop('compiler_factory') if desc is not None: desc = dedent(desc) kwargs = { 'help': help, 'formatter_class': self.formatter_class, self.doc: desc, } kwargs.update(opts) if len(_args) and isinstance(_args[0], basestring): name = _args[0] _args = _args[1:] command = self.add_parser(name, **kwargs) else: name = None command = self.argparser func.argdeco_name = context = self.get_name(name) self.config_map[func.argdeco_name] = {} self.add_arguments(*_args, argparser=command, context=context) command.set_defaults(action=func) return func return factory def compile_args(self, argv=None, compile=None, preprocessor=None, compiler_factory=None): logger.debug( "argv=%s, compile=%s, preprocessor=%s, compiler_factory=%s", argv, compile, preprocessor, compiler_factory) if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] import argcomplete argcomplete.autocomplete(self.argparser) args = self.argparser.parse_args(argv) try: action = args.action except AttributeError: action = self.default_action # initialize arg processors if not preprocessor: preprocessor = self.preprocessor if hasattr(action, '_argdeco_preprocessor'): preprocessor = action._argdeco_preprocessor if not compile: compile = self.compile if hasattr(action, '_argdeco_compile'): preprocessor = action._argdeco_compile if not compiler_factory: compiler_factory = self.compiler_factory if hasattr(action, '_argdeco_compiler_factory'): preprocessor = action._argdeco_compiler_factory assert not (compiler_factory and compile), \ "you can either define a compiler factory or a compile function" # if 'BASH' in os.environ: # if '_python_argcomplete_run' not in os.environ: # logger.warning("Autocomplete is not activated. See for activating") if compiler_factory: compile = compiler_factory(self) if preprocessor: result = None try: result = preprocessor(args) except NoAction as e: if action is None: return (lambda *a, **k: self.argparser.print_help(None) or 2, tuple(), dict()) # if preprocessor returns a value, this overrules everything # (e.g. print error message and return exit value) if result is not None: return result opts = vars(args).copy() del opts['action'] if compile is None or compile == 'kwargs': (_args, _kwargs) = tuple(), opts elif compile is True or compile == 'dict': (_args, _kwargs) = (opts,), dict() elif compile == 'args': (_args, _kwargs) = (args,), dict() else: compiled = compile(args, **opts) if isinstance(compiled, dict): (_args, _kwargs) = tuple(), compiled elif isinstance(compiled, (tuple,list)) and len(compiled) == 2 and isinstance(compiled[1], dict) and isinstance(compiled[0], (tuple,list)): (_args, _kwargs) = compiled elif isinstance(compiled, (tuple,list)): (_args, _kwargs) = compiled, dict() else: raise Exception("Unkown compilation: %s" % compiled) #logger.debug("compiled: %s", (_args, _kwargs)) return (args.action, _args, _kwargs)
[docs] def execute(self, argv=None, compile=None, preprocessor=None, compiler_factory=None): """Parse arguments and execute decorated function argv: list of arguments compile: - None, pass args as keyword args to function - True, pass args as single dictionary - function, get args from parse_args() and return a pair of tuple and dict to be passed as args and kwargs to function """ action, args, kwargs = self.compile_args(argv=argv, compile=compile, preprocessor=preprocessor, compiler_factory=compiler_factory) return action(*args, **kwargs)
def factory(**kwargs): frame = sys._getframe() while True: frame_name = frame.f_globals.get('__name__', '') if not ('argdeco' in frame_name or 'importlib' in frame_name): break frame = frame.f_back logger.debug("frame_name: %s", frame.f_globals.get('__name__', 'NO NAME')) doc = frame.f_globals.get('__doc__') if doc is not None and 'epilog' not in kwargs and 'description' not in kwargs: kwargs['epilog'] = doc return CommandDecorator(**kwargs) #command_inst = None